Who is The Irish Actress?

Getting To Know Me

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." (Dr. Seuss)

You are who you are, and with that comes the values and ideals that you stand for, as well as what you like to do. Over the course of this blog, I hope I can share with you what I stand for, different sides of the facets that make me who I am. For starters though, lets skim the surface with a lovely list of some of the things I enjoy doing (in no particular order):

-Playing the piano
-Home decor (i.e. decorating homes)
-World of Warcraft
-Reading Classical Latin
-Reading in general (typically non fiction books that are about learning a new idea, skill, etc.)
- Mythology
-Medical/health topics
-Martial arts (mainly Tae Kwon Do)
-...to be continued...

I'll probably end up writing about each of these at some point and time, but for now it provides a quick glance at some of the things that interest me.