Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tidbits of Catnip

Alice came to a fork in the road.  "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Video Game Dance (Not DDR)

Haha, when digging through my old favorite files.. this was taken from "Funneh" (which I cleverly spelled wrong so it'd look odd, i.e. "funny"). I wish I could get my friends to do this at a LAN party...would rock so much!

Teddy Grahams and Dragons

There comes a point when we all eventually searched the internet for the first time. I specifically remember the first two strongest memories from those first couple of days searching the WWW.

1) I saw my first picture of a starving child from Africa. Because I happened to be eating a box of teddy grahams at that point, and because I was so young, that was the first moment it hit me that not everyone gets to eat. From then on, I couldn't look at teddy grahams the same way...

But then... the best thing I found (and to this day I revisit the website remembering how much I loved to spend time on it), was Lair 2000. It's a site completely dedicated to dragons. Below here is the home page link:

After digging through the site I found a poem that really connected with me. It's called "Where did all the dragons go" by Fay Robinson. It emphasized a point that to this day I stick with-- that dragons are real, but they're just not here. I've always been a believer of magic and whatnot, but especially in dragons.

Where Did All The Dragons Go?

by Fay Robinson


Long ago and by and by,
Dragons ruled the earth and sky.
They scaled the mountains, climbed the trees,
slept in castles, swam in seas.
and flew, they FLEW the turquoise skies
with gilded wings and amber eyes.
Some with feathers, some with scales,
Some with furry heads and tails.
Gentle dragons, young and old,
hoarding gemstones, guarding gold,
gathering in dragon crowds,
breathing fire, making clouds.
The fiery games that dragons played
made men and women quite afraid.
but children always understood
that dragons in their hearts, were good:
they loved to join the dragon fun--
dancing, prancing in the sun,
roaring, singing, telling tales,
soaring over hills and dales.
Then one starry autumn night,
the dragons woke up with a fright.
Their leader's voice boomed overhead--
"Now's the time" was all it said.
Little dragons, big ones too,
every one knew what to do.
Those on mountains, those in trees,
those in castles, those in seas,
all let out a dragon sigh,
all took wing and filled the sky.
Children heard a thunderous sound
as dragon wings beat all around.
From every home across the land,
children scurried hand in hand
and watched those dragons flying by,
watched and sadly wondered why.
Sparks, like lightning, lit the way
Dragons slowly flew away--
over mountains, over trees,
over castles, over seas--
then, at the edge of earth and sky,
dragons called a sad good-bye.
That's the last 'twas ever heard
of dragons---not another word.
Where did all the dragons go?
The smartest scholars still don't know.
But next time there's a thunderstorm,
watch the smoky gray clouds form,
watch the lightning flash its light,
hear the thunder in the night.
It might be so we don't forget
that dragons could be living yet--
waiting in a world nearby
just beyond the earth and sky.

I was able to learn one of the basic 101 points behind internet use. It comes with both the good and the bad, and while you might run into some sad, crude, or frustrating material as you surf, you also have a chance to find some truly magical things.

Captivated by Black Sheep

They say the only way to cure an obsession with a song that's stuck in your head is to listen to it. This is a song taken from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. While I've got to say, that was definitely an odd movie (and uber awkward if you ever happen to see the bloopers-- the actors look so uncomfortable!) it had some awesome music. This is by far my favorite song, and I personally like this rendition more than the original singer's by Metric.

Here's the link to SPVTW's version.

This is the only version I can find on the youtube video inserter that's close to the above video (but the above was my favorite one so far). This is literally taken from the move, but if you're interested in hearing just the music, check out the above link.

This is the original artist's rendition of the song. Still good, but not as good in my opinion (also, you have to wait till about 0:50sec to hear the singing as a heads up).

Gun Point, Gone Pointless

I have a collection of favorites on my laptop under the file "Pure Happiness". This consists of different links that I've found in my travels across the internet that never fail to make me crack a smile or cheer me up. The above video was supposedly unable to air on television. I have got to say though, if I ever did see it on television, I would have been thoroughly entertained. Brings video games to life-- literally, haha.

Zombie Craze

With the current fad of preparation for zombies taking over the world (which luckily I have a good friend and brother who are both well versed in zombie-survival skills) I've found that I've gained some major inspiration in my theatre writing from some of the art that has developed from it. Specifically-- a dance routine from So You Think You Can Dance where a dance group was performing to Roisin Murphy's Ramalama Bang Bang. Below are different links to the video (just in case one gets taken down eventually!)

(and another just in case)

Never before have zombies been so cool, or inspiring for me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Painting: Bouquet Bloody Sunday

This painting is by a favorite painter of mine who's work I saw when visiting New York. His name is François dIzarny and here is the link to more of this work:

Sculpture: Futurity

"Now, more than ever, our world needs a comtemporary art of beatuy and meaning; an art rooted in realism that portray sthe good and the beautiful in the human spirit."

This quote and sculpture are both by one of my favorite artists, Michael Wilkinson. If you want to check out his website, here's the URL:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photograph: The Essence of Imagination

There's more below the surface.

This photography is actually a composite image of four photographs created by Ralph A. Clevenger in 1999, who is a professional nature/underwater photographer.

Getting To Know Me

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." (Dr. Seuss)

You are who you are, and with that comes the values and ideals that you stand for, as well as what you like to do. Over the course of this blog, I hope I can share with you what I stand for, different sides of the facets that make me who I am. For starters though, lets skim the surface with a lovely list of some of the things I enjoy doing (in no particular order):

-Playing the piano
-Home decor (i.e. decorating homes)
-World of Warcraft
-Reading Classical Latin
-Reading in general (typically non fiction books that are about learning a new idea, skill, etc.)
- Mythology
-Medical/health topics
-Martial arts (mainly Tae Kwon Do)
-Running be continued...

I'll probably end up writing about each of these at some point and time, but for now it provides a quick glance at some of the things that interest me.


Hey, this is The Irish Actress, and welcome to my blog! It's January 2011, the fresh start of a new year. A doorway has opened up for us of new beginnings. Fun fact-- "January" comes from the ancient roman god Janus, the god of doorways, beginnings, endings, and time. So as we start off this year, it's worth being mindful that now is our chance to start fresh and face life with fresh enthusiasm. I'm certainly ready for it, and hopefully you the reader are too.